
A former member

Shimona Gupta

Shimona Gupta

I am a first-year Human Biology and Society major from Northern California. My research interests lie in genetics and molecular biology, specifically gene editing and gene therapies. In my free time, I enjoy learning new instruments, roller skating, and trying different coffee places.

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Leo Cigarroa

Leo Cigarroa

My name is Leonides Cigarroa, and I am a second year MIMG student. My hometown is Laredo, Texas where I hope to return to someday to join the family business of cardiological healthcare. When I’m not aiding in the lab or studying for my classes, I frequent the gym and enjoy playing the guitar. Should you ever see me in…

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Rain Wong

Rain Wong

I am a 1st-year MCDB major here at UCLA. I am currently studying under Colleen, learning about her work regarding CRISPR/Cas9 and SLC6A8 deficiency. In my free time, I like to play beach volleyball with friends, go to the gym and read manga.

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Yue Huang M.D, Ph.D

Yue Huang M.D, Ph.D

Yue is currently a clinical instructor in medical genetics and T32 research fellow at UCLA. He is studying the disease mechanism of the remethylation disorders with a focus on the impact of remethylation defects in the early brain development. On his free time, he enjoys hiking, skiing, and explore restaurants in town.

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